A Cool Car

I have for so long now harbored a secret wish for a cool car – a really cool car. And I’ll wager a guess that a whole heck of a lot of you reading this have secretly wished the same thing, although now that I’m putting it out there, that wish isn’t quite so secret anymore. I don’t much care about that. It’s a fantasy that few people ever turn into reality anyway.

For me in particular, the possibility of owning an extremely, awesomely cool car is about as remote as the possibility of me winning an Olympic gold medal in weightlifting. You may have seen one of those competitions. I don’t think I could budge one of those weights with a car jack. If I actually tried to lift one I’m pretty sure my bones would start snapping. That’s not an exaggeration, and I’ll stop there because I seem to be veering off in a new direction with that comparison, but I think you get my point. The cool car I’m imagining is not going to happen.

There are a number of reasons for this, not the least of which is that I am not willing or able to drop several hundred thousand dollars on an Aston Martin, McLaren, Lamborghini, or some other outlandishly expensive sports car. I doubt I would even know how to drive something like that anyway. Oh, and you know that price tag I just mentioned? It doesn’t even take into account the insurance premiums or taxes. I have no idea what that would amount to, though I’m certain it’s equally unaffordable.

No matter how you look at it, the whole idea is pretty ridiculous all the way around, and I haven’t even mentioned the fact that there’s nowhere I need to go that would require me to drive in excess of 200 miles an hour on a routine basis. I run errands, and I have to think that a car like that would look a little foolish parked outside of the local Food Lion or Rite Aid. It would also require a whole new wardrobe as I cannot see getting in and out of one of those things sporting any of my current outfits. That would never work.

So no, that thrillingly fast, ultra cool car will never be sitting in my driveway, but it’s still a fun fantasy. A girl can dream, right?




The Backyard Barbecue