Auto Repairs

Wouldn’t it be great if cars never had to be repaired? Think of it. Your car would keep running smoothly for years and years and years until one day it simply passed away and went to that great junkyard in the sky. Think of all the hassles that could be avoided. It’s wishful thinking. I know. I’m aware, all too aware. Car repairs are inevitable, and they are going to happen at the most inopportune times. That’s life. We might as well accept it.

Car breakdowns usually happen like this. You’ll be flying down an interstate highway on the way to a crucially important appointment when you hear an unnatural whining, shrieking, or grinding noise; or maybe the car just starts to slow down and quit all on its own for no apparent reason. Or there could even be smoke pouring out from under your hood or a large puddle forming under your car. There are any number of scenarios, but whatever the case, you find yourself pulled over on the side of the freeway with cars whizzing by you at 80 miles an hour as you call for a tow truck. This will always happen on a day when it is either biting cold or scorching hot.

When the tow truck arrives approximately two hours later, you’ll stand there with a look of sheer misery on your face while the driver gets your car rigged up and ready to be towed. Then you hop in the truck beside him, and it’s off to the repair shop.

When you arrive at the shop, the mechanic will size things up and begin to explain the problem. He’ll start talking about things like intake manifolds and catalytic converters while you just stand there pretending to understand everything he says when in reality you don’t have a clue. He might as well be speaking a foreign language. When he’s finished with his summation, you go on your way hoping with all your heart that the final cost won’t bust your budget for the next year.

That’s the way it works. I wish I could say it will never happen to you, but it undoubtedly will, probably already has. Look at it this way. If you should find yourself sitting in the passenger seat of a tow truck feeling miserable, maybe you can take a minute to appreciate the fact that you have a car. They really are incredibly marvelous contraptions. I can jump in mine and get anywhere I need or want to go in 10 or 15 minutes, 20 at the most, so if they break down every once in a while, it’s not the end of the world. Just pay the mechanic and hope like heck there’s enough money left over so you can at least eat for the foreseeable future.


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