Wondering where I’m going with that title? Simple. I’m a boomer, spawn of the so-called “Greatest Generation.” The generation that survived the depression, fought World War II, and forged the world’s strongest economy. How, I ask you, were we supposed to compete with that? Answer: we couldn’t. We fell short, far short. My generation’s greatest accomplishments included the popularization of rock ‘n’ roll music, junk food, and some pretty appalling fashion trends. Oh yeah, enough to make that greatest generation swell with pride.
Let’s take them one by one. I’ll begin with rock ‘n’ roll music. Some of my personal favorites were the melodious sounds of Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and The Who. I can’t say for certain, but I don’t believe the greatest generation ever warmed up to any of them. Then there’s junk food. My generation could really put away the sodas, chips, cookies, and candy. How we managed to stay so slim is one of those questions that is destined to remain unanswered for all time and eternity. And last, but by no means least, fashion. I won’t delve too deeply into this one because it’s just too painful. Cringeworthy might actually be more accurate. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can go to the Internet for some examples, but I urge you not to do so unless you are in an area where your hysterics will not be too disruptive.
I guess that’s all I have to say about those issues. We may not have won a world war, but there’s no denying the impact of my generation’s many meaningful contributions. You Generation Xers, Yers, and Millennials can just eat your hearts out. You’ve got a long way to go before you top those.