
If you recall my last blog, I was in search of a hobby and had decided to take up cooking. I began by checking to see if there were any classes in my area, but I struck out. I would have to teach myself.

Not yet realizing that this venture was doomed to failure given my total and complete lack of any talent whatsoever in this area, I grabbed a couple of cookbooks and started thumbing through them. I was looking for something simple to start with, preferably less than four ingredients. I finally found a recipe for sautéed mushrooms that looked like something I could manage. I made a list of the things I would need and headed for the grocery store. Once there, I gathered up everything I needed and checked out. The grand total was $32. This was shaping up to be an expensive hobby. 

When I got home I went into the kitchen and immediately began preparing this relatively simple dish. By the time I was done, it had taken at least four times longer than I thought it would and smoked up my kitchen horribly.

I then sat down at my dining room table and, with a cloud of smoke still swirling around my head, tried my slightly blackened sautéed mushrooms. I think by now you can guess where this is headed. I took a few bites, put down my fork, and let the rest go - definitely not worth the time, effort, and expense. My rapidly diminishing enthusiasm for cooking had come to a grinding halt. I decided right then and there to go back to the frozen dinners that went straight from the microwave to the table.

I think I’ll just call this blog my hobby and leave it at that.



