Junk Food

I am currently in the process of weaning myself off any and all junk food, and what a battle it has become. At the risk of stating the obvious, the problem for me, and I would assume everyone else, is that junk food just tastes so, so good. We all love it, and I don’t think I’m going to hear a single word of argument when I state that this country does junk food better than any other country on the planet. That’s not even open for debate, but here’s the real issue. There is a distinct correlation between the number on your bathroom scales and your love of and consequent willingness to indulge in junk food.

I was pondering this reality last week as I rolled through the grocery store. When I arrived at the cookie aisle, I was, as I have so often been, smacked right in the face with temptation. I gazed longingly at the incredible selection, and it was though each one was saying “Pick me! Pick me!” I could feel myself beginning to weaken, but I summoned up every last reserve of willpower I possess and blew right past all of them.

But it wasn’t over. I wheeled around the corner to the next aisle, and there it was – the true junk food depository. You’ve seen it, that massive wall of nothing but chips and all things chips related. It defies belief. There is a seemingly bottomless market for these products, and they’re trouble. The reason for this is no mystery. Once you’ve opened the bag, you can never stop with a handful. You won’t stop until half the bag is gone, and that’s if you’re lucky. That day I chose to back up and move onto the next aisle with all the boring items like canned vegetables and corned beef hash - stuff like that. I dodged the bullet, at least for that day.

I know what is going through the minds of many of you right now. “Hey, you only go around once.” That’s true, but I want this go-round to last as long as possible. Sadly, there is an unalterable fact of life that must be faced, and it’s this. If it tastes really, really good, it’s almost certainly bad for you, so next time you’re in the grocery store, be sure to follow my example. Skip those junk food aisles altogether, and when you get to the frozen dessert section, avert your eyes. There’s danger everywhere. Get ahold of yourself. Keep moving. Step away from the fudgesicles.


Salsa Lesson Pt 1

