Money Matters
I like to think I’m pretty good with money. I say “like to think“ because there are those who might disagree due to the fact that I have had a few financial issues along the way. But really, who hasn’t? That’s all part and parcel of the human condition. We figure a way out of it, get back on a firm fiscal footing, and carry on.
At least most of us do. Personally, I never have been able to understand why there are so many people in this world who continually struggle with money management. It’s not that hard. It’s simple, basic math that most of us could do by the time we were 10 years old. The amount of money going out must not exceed the amount of money coming in. It’s pretty straightforward – you would think, but there are a significant number of people who love to spend and spend wildly because for them it’s fun. They are about as concerned with the amount of money coming in as they are about the endangered stag beetle of New Zealand. If that comes across as a tortured analogy, I’ll translate. They couldn’t care less how much money is coming in. That is of no concern, and this approach is going to land you in hot water sooner or later.
If I sound like I’m being a little hard on all of you reckless spenders, I don’t mean to be. I actually have some sympathy for you because, although I can pinch a penny with the best of them, I don’t like to, and every so often I get sick of it and start to spend more than I should. Thankfully whenever this happens I get a hold of myself quickly before any real damage is done, but I can definitely understand the temptation.
I’m in a place now where I feel like I’ve hit a pretty good balance between spending and penny pinching. I have long ago faced the reality that things have to be paid for. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but swallow it you must. If you choose to cast that reality aside, you do so at your own risk because reality will always turn right around, gather steam, and come back to bite you - hard.