Those Rainy Days

If I were to speak the words, “It’s a perfectly beautiful day,” you would most likely picture sunshine, clear skies, and warm temperatures. That’s a logical assumption, but in my case, an incorrect one. When I speak those words, there’s a good chance it’s raining, maybe even pouring. That’s one of my quirks. I love rainy days. I don’t even mind two or three n a row. Beyond that, I’ll admit it gets to be a bit much. It’s not that I don’t enjoy a warm sunny day, but whenever I hear the pitter patter of raindrops on my window panes, I’m suddenly in a little bit better mood. The air will soon be clean and clear, and I know I won’t have to do any yardwork that day.  Best of all, I won’t have to do any watering for a while. Everything will grow very nicely all on its own.

As much as I love the rain, however, I do realize that it can cause some problems. Plans might have to be canceled, the kids can’t go outside and play, and you may have to think twice before leaving the house to run errands. I certainly wouldn’t recommend grocery shopping on a rainy day. I’ve made that mistake. I once decided to get some grocery shopping done when there was a light drizzle coming down. I worked my way through the store, checked out, and made my way to the door when I realized that the drizzle had turned into a hard rain. I had gathered up a large load of groceries and was parked a good distance from the store. No way was I going to push all of those groceries to my car and load it up with that much rain coming down.

It showed no sign of letting up, so I devised a plan. Fortunately there was a large overhang/awning that ran the length of the store. It dawned on me that if I drove my station wagon to the very end of that awning and backed it up until the rear door was just underneath it, I’d be able to load those groceries and keep everything dry. And that is what I did. It was brazen, and I had to act fast for fear the manager would come out and start yelling at me, but it worked, and I made a clean getaway.

Although things did get a little dicey that day, I still love rainy days, always will. Think I’m crazy? OK, next time you’re getting all bummed out because it’s raining, stop for a second and bring up a picture in your mind of your surroundings after a prolonged drought. Not pretty is it? Or maybe you might remember what your water bill looked like after you tried to save your yard from drying up and getting burnt to a crisp. I’ll bet the sound of rain is becoming a whole lot more pleasant right about now. So take my advice. Next time there’s a cloudburst, stay home, kick back, and pull up Netflix. You just might find you’ve got a whole new outlook on the day.


Crank Up the AC

