‘tis the Season

The holidays are upon us. Oh joy! If that sounds like sarcasm, it’s not. I love everything about the holiday season! Always have, always will – the shopping, ordering, decorating, food, drinks, music, and celebrations – all of it. I throw myself into the holiday festivities with great enthusiasm and consider myself fortunate to have been blessed with more than a healthy dose of the holiday spirit.

I will acknowledge that the holidays can get expensive. There’s no denying it. I refuse, however, to let that unfortunate fact throw wet blanket over my month of merriment. Like most of you, I make every effort to avoid getting carried away, trying my level best not to beg, borrow, and steal in the process. It can be done. Even with those massive lists of family, friends, godparents, teachers, coaches, neighbors, and colleagues to buy for, we always find a way to make it all happen.

This time of year will always get a little crazy and yes, a little stressful, but it’s also one heck of a lot of fun and in my view, well worth it. We get time with the people we care about and maybe give them a little something to show our love and appreciation, and that’s what it’s all about. 

And also, while we’re at it, let’s all take at least some time to stop and think about the season’s true meaning -

Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men


Champagne Anyone?


Cut a Rug