Hair Struggles

We take our hair very seriously, don’t we? Unless you have a buzz cut, or you’re completely bald, you put time into it every day. It’s a lot of work. If you skip even one day, you run the risk of leaving your home looking like you were caught in a multiple vortex tornado. Not a good look, although I do see some people every now and then who, based on their wildly unkempt hair, look fully as if they’ve stuck their finger in an electrical socket, but I suspect that’s the look they’re going for.

Most of us prefer something a little more tame, so we get up every day and begin that battle to make our hair look the way we want it to look rather than the way it prefers to look. Whether you’re lucky enough to get away with just running a comb through it or whether you spend a good 45 minutes attempting to style your hair into something more flattering than its natural state, chances are you’re not going to be completely happy with the end result. In my opinion if you can get to maybe 80% of your target goal, you’ve done pretty well.

My personal struggle is with naturally curly hair. It’s difficult to manage. You may have noticed this if you’ve stopped to look at my highly accurate illustrations. In frustration, I’ve tried just about every hairstyle you could possibly imagine. I’ve worn my hair short, long, straight, curly, layered, all one length, flat, and poofy. I eventually settled on a style that transformed my curly hair into something completely different, but it took a ridiculously unreasonable amount of time. I kept at it nevertheless for many years until one day my hairstylist said, “Your hair is curly. Why fight it?” She was right.

There may be others out there who, like me, struggle to achieve that elusive, perfect hairstyle, but never quite get there. That’s OK. Keep trying. You never know when you might hit that mark. If not, hold your head up. Toss your hair. Tell yourself you look amazing. Sound foolish? Look around. I guarantee you won’t be the only one.


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