Hair Products
Hair products – do they deliver, or are they a con? Are they worth the money, or are they a rip off? These are questions that I have wrestled with time and time again, questions that are nearly impossible to answer because none of us really knows what we would look like without them. Have any of you ever stopped using hair products altogether? Would you ever even consider it? I didn’t think so. Can you imagine what the outcome might be if you just used a bar of soap? I wouldn’t know because I’ve never tried it. The possibilities are just too frightening to think about, so I just keep buying those products with little to no regard for the cost.
And cost is an issue here. If I had all the money I’ve spent on hair products over the years, I could probably travel the world several times over. It’s crazy, but these products are just so hard to resist. They are quite pleasingly packaged and all make the same lofty and very convincing claims. Use the product and you will have thick, full, shiny, glossy, luxurious, gorgeous, manageable hair that will increase your level of physical attractiveness at least tenfold. And what is our reaction? We fall for it every time, and our hair generally ends up looking about the same. I’ve only resisted one sales pitch that I can remember. It was the time a hairdresser presented a tiny little 2 ounce jar of conditioner that he swore up and down would make my hair look incredible. The cost? $65. I passed, but I believe that’s the only time. I usually get sucked in and cough up the money.
So in answer to my initial questions and after much deliberation, I have to say yes. Go ahead and buy the products. Spend the money. Let’s all support the hair products industry. Why take chances? As I’ve stated previously, there’s no telling what we might look like without them, and one bad hair day after another is no way to go through life.