Lawn Care
For anyone who routinely engages in lawn care, you don’t need me or anybody else to tell you that it’s a lot harder than it looks. I’ve gained a lot of experience in this area over the years, and I can tell you that a lovely velvety green carpet of grass is achievable, but not without one heck of a commitment in terms of time, money, and effort. And it’s important to understand right off the bat that if you are new to the game, you will quickly discover that your lawn will at no point be working with you. It will fight you at every turn. I’ve learned this the hard way.
The battle lines will be drawn on day one. If your lawn has its way, it will be an ugly, half dead, weed choked barren wasteland. It likes that look. That’s the way it wants to look. It’s so much less work for the lawn. It can just kick back and do nothing. Take it from me, you can’t let that happen. You have to force the issue. You have to get out there and do whatever it takes to make that grass get off its lazy gluteus maximus and do what it’s supposed to do - GROW.
Under no circumstances can you give up the fight. You must remain strong. No matter how tempted you may be, do not throw in the towel and surrender. You cannot let the lawn win. Believe me, it’s not a good option. I tried it. If you take my advice, you can have a beautiful, grassy lawn admired and envied by all who gaze upon it. If not, forget about backyard barbecues, and learn to look up, never down, as you pull into your driveway and walk to your front door.