Running Errands
It’s a simple fact of life. A big chunk of our time must be spent running errands, and I’m OK with that. To be honest, as of late, I’m more than OK. Truth is, I thoroughly enjoy running errands, and I say that with the full realization of the kind of response a statement like that will likely produce. It’s something along the lines of, “Obviously this person has no life.” or “She’s really got that bar set pretty low.” Not true. I wouldn’t go so far as to say either one of those things. It just so happens that I like to be out and about, running around, getting things done. I find that it’s a very pleasant way to spend an afternoon.
I will concede that it wasn’t always this way. I used to find errands a great big, huge, colossal, time-devouring pain in my derrière. They had to be squeezed in whenever I could find the time - on the way to or from work, after a doctor’s appointment, or while picking up and delivering my children who always needed to be someplace other than where they were. I made lists – many, many lists - of errands, scheduled them all, and even plotted the most efficient route to get everything accomplished. When I left work at the end of the day, I would begin running around town like a maniac. The whole plan would invariably fall apart midway through, and the remaining errands would have to be bumped to the next day or maybe even the next week, leaving me with a sense of complete and utter failure. How could I have possibly known that I would not be able to cram a trip to Home Depot, Pak-n-Ship, the grocery store, and TJ Maxx into that one hour between 5 and 6 o’clock? It seemed so doable. I realize how ludicrously unrealistic this sounds, but I kept trying.
I don’t have those problems anymore. I can now take care of business whenever I want. It’s liberating. It really, truly is, although I know that to many of you it sounds odd. “Doesn’t take much to make her happy,“ right? Yeah. I have no doubt that most people don’t share my point of view, but that does in no way change the fact that I very much look forward to a day running errands. Yep, livin’ the good life.