Post-it Note Dependency
How in the world did anyone ever manage to function before post-it notes came along? I’ve pondered this question many times. I can’t figure it out. I don’t know who is responsible for the creation of this highly useful product, but in my opinion it was sheer genius.
Personally, I lean heavily on post-it’s. I’d be a disorganized mess without them, and if there’s one thing I hate it’s being a disorganized mess. I want everything in my life to flow smoothly, and post-it notes keep all the moving parts working exactly the way they should. When I worked full-time, my colleagues gave me a hard time about the absurd number of post-its I had plastered all over my desk and around my computer screen, but I got things done. At home they now litter my countertops, cupboards, and sometimes even my bathroom mirror; and not a single one gets thrown away until whatever was written on it is taken care of.
I realize that my post-it note usage probably sounds a little excessive. I actually have tried to cut back and do more from memory, but that hasn’t worked out too well. I’m now once again back to using them like they’re going out style, and because there are no support groups for this kind of addiction, I’m pretty sure that I’ll be totally post-it note dependent for the rest of my life.