Coffee - Start Your Engines
I have recently come to the inescapable conclusion that there are any number of people in this world who would mainline their morning coffee if they could. Don’t believe me? Think about it. How many people do you know who are not functional until they’ve had that morning jolt of caffeine? That’s how they jumpstart their system. Until then, they’re borderline comatose, and you’d best stay out of their way until you can see that coffee cup is at least half empty.
As for me, I never touch the stuff. It’s not that I don’t like it. I do. It’s just that for me, it’s the equivalent of speed. The minute it hits my bloodstream, and I start running around like a madman completing every household and yard job I can think of. I can knock out a two week to-do list in under an hour. Then the caffeine jitters hit. If you’ve ever experienced that you’ll understand what I’m talking about. It’s most unpleasant.
I really wish I could join the ranks of you coffee drinkers. I’d get so much more done. I know I would, but it’s not going to happen. I’ll just have to carry on under my own steam in my own minimally productive way. Fortunately I’m not worried about it. Maybe I should look at my freedom from caffeine dependency as a good thing. At least I can string a few coherent words together first thing in the morning.