So Much #&%$! Swearing
There’s a lot of swearing going on in this world - a lot. Have you noticed this? It would be awfully hard to miss. It’s been coming across the airwaves right into our homes for quite a while now. We all know that, and it’s not just the movies anymore. It’s anywhere and everywhere. Occasionally you’ll even hear some prominent individual, probably a politician, using off-color language without the slightest concern as to whether or not anyone is offended. Last week I was standing in a checkout line, and two people behind me let loose with a string of obscenities that could be heard at least three aisles over. They weren’t mad. That’s just how they chose to express their excitement over their plans for the upcoming weekend.
I hope I don’t sound overly prudish here. I’m sure I’ve let a few things slip out over the course of my lifetime, but I think that most of us can agree that this issue is quickly reaching critical mass. You hear it wherever you go. I was recently driving along on a beautiful spring day with my windows down, minding my own business, when I pulled up to a red light next to someone who also had his windows down. This was unfortunate because as soon as I came to a stop he answered his phone, and I was met with a barrage of profanity that would’ve curled my hair were not for the fact that it’s already naturally curly. The air inside his car was turning positively blue with it. I tried giving him a hard stare, but he was oblivious to my presence. Then I put up my windows, but that didn’t work either. I could still hear him plain as day. The peculiar thing about this was that, like the couple in the checkout line, he wasn’t upset or angry. I could see that. It was simply his way of communicating.
And while I’m on the subject of four letter words and communication, I should probably take this opportunity to issue warning to parents who are in the habit of using off-color language around their children. You can say anything you want in your own home, but be aware that your children will come to school and repeat those words. You will then be called in for a conference at which point you will be forced to indignantly claim that you have no idea where he or she heard it. As someone who spent many years in the school system, I can tell you unequivocally – that never works.
I don’t mean to be judgmental. I’m really not that way at all. I’m very much of a live and let live kind of person, so I’m making the adjustment as best I can. I am determined to let these things travel in one ear and out the other and hopefully not rattle my brains too much as they make their way through.