Pasta Lovers

Do you count yourself among the millions, make that billions, of pasta lovers? Odds are you do. Almost everyone does. Sometimes it seems as though the world is having some kind of ongoing love affair with pasta. It’s unbelievably popular. I can see this, so I guess I’m the lone wolf here because pasta just doesn’t do a thing for me.

I’m a little embarrassed to admit this for fear I will be judged harshly. I am well aware of the biting scorn that will most likely be heaped upon me. It’s just that pasta is a little bland, a little mushy for my taste. It needs a lot to jazz it up, quite a bit more than even a fancy French sauce. Mind you I’m not saying I hate it. I’ve had a few pasta salads along the way that were pretty good. Once I even made one for my children when they were teenagers. The recipe was supposed to serve a dozen people, and the finished product filled a huge bowl that I stuck in the fridge thinking it would last a few days. It was gone by dinner time. They polished it off in a matter of hours. They still think it’s the best thing to ever come out of my kitchen.

So to the pasta lovers of the world, have your fill! Enjoy yourself, and if you come to my house for dinner, I’ll even cook it for you. Maybe I’ll make that amazing pasta salad. You can stuff yourself. I’ll even let you have my portion. I will. I’ll make that sacrifice.


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