
Hi there   

I have now entered the blogosphere. Up until this point, I haven’t been much into social media. Not my thing. It is, however, something with which just about everyone else seems to be intimately familiar. With this in mind, I took the plunge. I’m up and running, and I think I have the hang of it. Soooooo, here goes...

What now? That’s my question. I have recently left my chosen profession, school counselor, after almost 20 years. In order to get that job, I had to return to school and earn a master’s degree while caring for my three small children. That had its challenges, but I got it done and found a job.

Like most jobs, there were times when it was rewarding, stimulating, and even great fun. Then were there were other times when it was a royal pain. I’d like to say that I have no regrets, but I have plenty. Such is life, but on the whole it was a great job that allowed me to do some good and learn a lot in the process.

Now that it’s all in the rearview mirror, I’m looking ahead. What will I do with this next phase of my life? That has yet to be determined. I have decided to chronicle my experiences and make an effort to mine the humor at every turn. That’s my philosophy. Look for the humor, and life will never lose it’s luster.

Junk Food
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Junk Food

I am currently in the process of weaning myself off any and all junk food, and what a battle it has become. At the risk of stating the obvious, the problem for me, and I would assume everyone else, is that junk food just tastes so, so good.

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Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


Ever tried hypnosis? I have. It’s not something I would normally have sought out, but the opportunity arose, and I took it.

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Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


If, like me, you are one of those people who prefers not to have your picture taken, you’re in a world of hurt. There is virtually no way to avoid the incessant picture taking that is currently going on in our society. I know. I’ve tried, and it’s clear that I’ve lost all control of this situation.

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Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


We all know that there comes a time in our lives when birthdays are no longer thrilling. Just to put a finer point on that, somewhere between the ages of 21 and 85 we don’t really want to be a year older.

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Weather Junkie
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Weather Junkie

I never thought my interest in the weather forecast would reach this level of intensity.

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A Cautionary Tale
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

A Cautionary Tale

At some point along that long and occasionally bumpy road of life, almost all of us will find ourselves in need of a ladder, the use of which may or may not be fraught with danger. It all depends.

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The Shed Purge
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

The Shed Purge

With my attic clean out complete, I set my sights on the shed. I had realized the necessity for this a few months prior when I opened the shed door and stuff literally began spilling out.

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The Attic Purge
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

The Attic Purge

The first thing I noticed upon entering this disaster zone was the temperature.

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Election Coverage
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Election Coverage

Election coverage is exciting, isn’t it? It’s the ultimate competition. We all get pulled in. It’s not like there’s any avoiding it.

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Night People
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Night People

Why is it that some people are morning people while others are diehard night people?

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No Time for Tools
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

No Time for Tools

I have a lot of tools, many of which I have never used, will never use, and have no intention of ever using.

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Substitute Teacher - Part 2
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Substitute Teacher - Part 2

If you read my last post you may remember that I had just begun my first day as a middle school substitute teacher. The course was pre-algebra, a subject with which I was quite familiar, and I was feeling very sure of myself. That didn’t last long.

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Substitute Teacher - Part 1
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Substitute Teacher - Part 1

There any number of ways to earn a little money if you are between jobs, retired, or maybe just want to work part time. One of these is something you may not have considered - substitute teaching.

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Yard Sale
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Yard Sale

Ever had a yard sale? Some of you may be nodding in your heads, although I’ll bet that most of you are thinking, “Well yeah, I have thought about it, but I’ve never actually done it.” I can’t blame you.

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Little Vampires
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Little Vampires

Mosquitoes are out in force this time of year, and they are indeed a formidable force to be reckoned with.

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Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


I’m beginning to think that procrastination is not such a bad thing.

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Count Chocula
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Count Chocula

When was the last time you bought breakfast cereal? Recently? You wouldn’t be the only one.

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Have a Soda
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Have a Soda

We may not want to admit it, but we all like sodas – those sugary sweet, great tasting, calorie-laden, fizzy drinks that rot your teeth and destroy your waistline. They just taste so good going down.

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My So-Called Birdfeeder
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

My So-Called Birdfeeder

I was out running errands last summer when I pulled into a parking space and found myself directly in front of a store called something like “All Things Birds.”

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Crank Up the AC
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Crank Up the AC

It’s hot outside, smokin’ hot, fry an egg on the sidewalk hot, and I’m beginning to wonder if I’m the only person to ponder the question, “How in the heck did civilization survive before the invention of air conditioning?”

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