
Hi there   

I have now entered the blogosphere. Up until this point, I haven’t been much into social media. Not my thing. It is, however, something with which just about everyone else seems to be intimately familiar. With this in mind, I took the plunge. I’m up and running, and I think I have the hang of it. Soooooo, here goes...

What now? That’s my question. I have recently left my chosen profession, school counselor, after almost 20 years. In order to get that job, I had to return to school and earn a master’s degree while caring for my three small children. That had its challenges, but I got it done and found a job.

Like most jobs, there were times when it was rewarding, stimulating, and even great fun. Then were there were other times when it was a royal pain. I’d like to say that I have no regrets, but I have plenty. Such is life, but on the whole it was a great job that allowed me to do some good and learn a lot in the process.

Now that it’s all in the rearview mirror, I’m looking ahead. What will I do with this next phase of my life? That has yet to be determined. I have decided to chronicle my experiences and make an effort to mine the humor at every turn. That’s my philosophy. Look for the humor, and life will never lose it’s luster.

Those Rainy Days
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Those Rainy Days

If I were to speak the words, “It’s a perfectly beautiful day,” you would most likely picture sunshine, clear skies, and warm temperatures. That’s a logical assumption, but in my case, an incorrect one.

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Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


I’m wet – my clothes, my shoes, my hair, everything – it’s all wet. You want to know why? Maybe not, but I’ll tell you anyway. I’m watering my lawn. In other words, I’m running a sprinkler, and I gotta say, I’m not a big fan of those things.

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A Cool Car
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

A Cool Car

I have for so long now harbored a secret wish for a cool car – a really cool car.

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The Backyard Barbecue
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

The Backyard Barbecue

We all love a good backyard barbecue, don’t we? They’re fun! Dads flipping burgers on the grill. Moms serving up potato salad. Kids running amok. How can anyone not enjoy that?

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Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


Have you been swimsuit shopping recently? You have? I thought so. It’s that time, and I’m going to take a leap here and say that it was probably traumatizing.

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Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


In my last post I briefly touched on the connection between sunglasses and the whole concept of “cool.” I’m certain we can all agree that sunglasses are an integral part of that equation.

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Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


Whether we want to admit it or not, we would all like to be thought of as cool, and although many strive to achieve it, few actually do.

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Mow that Lawn
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Mow that Lawn

Summer has arrived and along with it comes the melodic sound of lawnmowers, those wonderful devices that transform our messy lawns into lovely smooth expanses of green grass.

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Online Shopping
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Online Shopping

I’m happy to report that I have successfully made the transition from in-store shopping to online shopping, although I should mention that I did not do so willingly.

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Let’s Landscape
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Let’s Landscape

Have any of you ever tried your hand at landscaping? It’s tricky. I’ve done a lot of it in my time, and I can tell you from first-hand experience that it’s pretty easy to screw up.

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So Much #&%$! Swearing
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

So Much #&%$! Swearing

There’s a lot of swearing going on in this world - a lot. Have you noticed this? It would be awfully hard to miss. It’s been coming across the airwaves right into our homes for quite a while now. We all know that, and it’s not just the movies anymore. It’s anywhere and everywhere.

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A Case for Cats
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

A Case for Cats

It has come to my attention that there are a fair number of people in this world who think that cats have a bad attitude. I could not agree less.

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Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


As someone who has undertaken her fair share of arts and crafts projects over the years, I can only claim a success rate of about 50%. Some turn out. Some don’t.

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Morning People
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Morning People

I’ve always been amazed at how many “morning people“ there are in this world. If you are one of those, I’ll say this. I admire you, maybe even envy you, but I’ll never be one of you.

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Question Everything
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Question Everything

I have come to the conclusion that I can at times be an annoying person. I realize that sounds like I’m being a little hard on myself, but it happens to be true. The reason? I tend to ask a lot of questions.

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Interior Design
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Interior Design

Ever attempt an interior decorating project without the skill, experience, or talent needed to bring such an undertaking to a successful conclusion?

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Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


I can’t stand mess. I just can’t stand the look of it. I find it completely intolerable. When my surroundings are cluttered, my brain feels cluttered, and I want to declutter as fast as possible. It’s a little bit compulsive.

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