
Hi there   

I have now entered the blogosphere. Up until this point, I haven’t been much into social media. Not my thing. It is, however, something with which just about everyone else seems to be intimately familiar. With this in mind, I took the plunge. I’m up and running, and I think I have the hang of it. Soooooo, here goes...

What now? That’s my question. I have recently left my chosen profession, school counselor, after almost 20 years. In order to get that job, I had to return to school and earn a master’s degree while caring for my three small children. That had its challenges, but I got it done and found a job.

Like most jobs, there were times when it was rewarding, stimulating, and even great fun. Then were there were other times when it was a royal pain. I’d like to say that I have no regrets, but I have plenty. Such is life, but on the whole it was a great job that allowed me to do some good and learn a lot in the process.

Now that it’s all in the rearview mirror, I’m looking ahead. What will I do with this next phase of my life? That has yet to be determined. I have decided to chronicle my experiences and make an effort to mine the humor at every turn. That’s my philosophy. Look for the humor, and life will never lose it’s luster.

Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


Wondering where I’m going with that title? Simple. I’m a boomer, spawn of the so-called “Greatest Generation.” The generation that survived the depression, fought World War II, and forged the world’s strongest economy. How, I ask you, were we supposed to compete with that? Answer: we couldn’t.

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Sweet Tooth
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Sweet Tooth

Try as I may, I’ve never really been able to come to terms with something that has always been a major area of concern for me. And what might that be? A sweet tooth.

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Let It Snow
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Let It Snow

I’m a little hesitant to admit this, but even at my age I still get all excited about snow.

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No Pain, No Gain
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

No Pain, No Gain

Why is it that things frequently have to get worse before they get better? It seems so wrong, yet undeniably true. No pain, no gain. Why can’t these things just get better without the pain part? I realize that might put a few people out of work, but it would save most of us a lot of time, money, and misery.

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Money Matters
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Money Matters

I like to think I’m pretty good with money. I say “like to think“ because there are those who might disagree due to the fact that I have had a few financial issues along the way. But really, who hasn’t? That’s all part and parcel of the human condition.

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New Glasses
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

New Glasses

I recently purchased a new pair of glasses, and I’m going to assume, incorrectly or otherwise, that somewhere in the neighborhood of 50% of you at a bare minimum have done this at some point in your journey on the road of life.

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Chair Fitness
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Chair Fitness

There’s a new trend in exercise that seems to be catching on. It’s called chair fitness. You may not have heard about this. It’s where you complete an entire workout while seated in a chair. If this is news to you, you’re not alone.

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Champagne Anyone?
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Champagne Anyone?

As I write this on New Year’s Eve, I know full well that a massive swath of tonight’s revelers will be nursing hangovers tomorrow morning.

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‘tis the Season
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

‘tis the Season

The holidays are upon us. Oh joy! If that sounds like sarcasm, it’s not. I love everything about the holiday season! Always have, always will – the shopping, ordering, decorating, food, drinks, music, and celebrations – all of it.

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Cut a Rug
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Cut a Rug

I love to dance. I can’t help it. It’s in my blood. I was born that way. When I hear music, at least music that I like, I feel an overwhelming urge to move. It can happen at any time, even if I’m out shopping or in my car driving. At those particular times, I do resist the urge, but it’s hard to fight. 

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Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


Spontaneity. I don’t know. Doesn’t sound like me. Thinking back over the course of my life, I don’t think I can claim to have ever been a spontaneous person. In my view, it’s a little overrated. When I wake up in the morning, I really like having a plan for the day. It gives me a nice, comfortable, secure feeling - like I’m in control.

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Rake Till it Hurts
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Rake Till it Hurts

At the moment I am, like a lot of you, trying to motivate myself to go outside and clean up my yard. It’s getting to be an embarrassment.

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Dog Debacles
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Dog Debacles

I have come to the indisputable, undeniable, inescapable conclusion that I live in the dog walkingest neighborhood on the planet.

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Disaster Strikes
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Disaster Strikes

If you’ll think back to the first installment of this post, I indulged in a little bragging about my ability to multitask, although I did acknowledge that there have been some exceptions/failures along the way.

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Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


I used to be an absolute world-class multitasker, and I’m not talking about just two things at one time.

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Pumping Gas
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Pumping Gas

It’s one of those minor inconveniences that just has to be dealt with. We have to pump gas. That brief interruption in our schedules is certainly worth what we get in exchange for it - the freedom to drive whenever and wherever we want, so most of us do it without complaint.

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Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith


They’re everywhere, literally.  It doesn’t matter where you are – the mall, the park, the grocery store, the hardware store – you will see them.

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Home Repairs
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Home Repairs

There’s no getting around it. If you own a home, there will be repairs - a steady stream of them. It doesn’t matter if it’s a new home, an old home, or something in between. You will be dealing with home repairs on a regular basis.

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Movie Theaters
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Movie Theaters

I did something yesterday that I haven’t done in a long time. I went to the movies. If you haven’t done this for a while, you may have forgotten how much fun it is.

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