
Hi there   

I have now entered the blogosphere. Up until this point, I haven’t been much into social media. Not my thing. It is, however, something with which just about everyone else seems to be intimately familiar. With this in mind, I took the plunge. I’m up and running, and I think I have the hang of it. Soooooo, here goes...

What now? That’s my question. I have recently left my chosen profession, school counselor, after almost 20 years. In order to get that job, I had to return to school and earn a master’s degree while caring for my three small children. That had its challenges, but I got it done and found a job.

Like most jobs, there were times when it was rewarding, stimulating, and even great fun. Then were there were other times when it was a royal pain. I’d like to say that I have no regrets, but I have plenty. Such is life, but on the whole it was a great job that allowed me to do some good and learn a lot in the process.

Now that it’s all in the rearview mirror, I’m looking ahead. What will I do with this next phase of my life? That has yet to be determined. I have decided to chronicle my experiences and make an effort to mine the humor at every turn. That’s my philosophy. Look for the humor, and life will never lose it’s luster.

Gifts for Dad
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Gifts for Dad

Father’s Day is fast approaching. Time to think of a gift for dad. No ideas? We all know that feeling. Gift-giving is tricky at best. At worst, it’s harder than solving a Rubik’s Cube.

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Auto Repairs
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Auto Repairs

Wouldn't it be great if cars never had to be repaired? Think of it. Your car would keep running smoothly for years and years and years until one day it simply passed away and went to that great junkyard in the sky. It’s wishful thinking. I know. I’m aware, all too aware.

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Wardrobe Issues
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Wardrobe Issues

I’m going to address a serious topic today - wardrobe issues. If you have any doubts as to the seriousness of this issue, look around. It’s a very common problem.

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A Traffic Ticket
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

A Traffic Ticket

It’s happened to most of us, and there are few things in life that can ruin your day quite like it. And what might that be? The sight of red and blue lights flashing in your rearview mirror.

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You Can Bet Your Bleep
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

You Can Bet Your Bleep

Confused by that title? Probably not, but if you are, substitute a** for “bleep.” Still confused? Substitute “ss” for the ** and that should clear it right up. Made you think, didn’t?

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Pasta Lovers
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Pasta Lovers

Do you count yourself among the millions, make that billions, of pasta lovers? Odds are you do. Almost everyone does. Sometimes it seems as though the world is having some kind of ongoing love affair with pasta.

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Hair Products
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Hair Products

Hair products - do they deliver or are they a con? Are they worth the money, or are they a rip-off? These are questions that I have wrestled with time and time again, questions that are nearly impossible to answer because none of us really knows what we would look like without them.

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Hair Struggles
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Hair Struggles

We take our hair very seriously, don’t we? Unless you have a buzz cut or you’re completely bald, you put time into it every day. It’s a lot of work.

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Fix It Up
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Fix It Up

Have you had an opportunity to watch one of those home remodeling/fixer upper shows? There must be at least a dozen or so running at the moment, and I strongly recommend all of them.

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Little Ones
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Little Ones

The message came at 4:35 am. “My water broke. I’m on my way to the hospital. Game Day.”

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Side Hustle Pt 2 -Whodunit
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Side Hustle Pt 2 -Whodunit

If you think back to last week’s post, you’ll recall that I promised to give you a foolproof formula for writing a hugely successful best selling mystery novel that is sure to net you some serious pocket money.

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A Side Hustle
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

A Side Hustle

Ever thought about trying to make a little extra money, you know, a side hustle? Uh huh. I thought as much. Who hasn’t?

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Mind Your Manners
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Mind Your Manners

It has come to my attention that there are a lot of people out there complaining about the lack of manners in present day society. Of course, there are a lot of people complaining about a lot of things.

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Comparison Shopping
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Comparison Shopping

Shopping can be a tricky business when you’re trying to get the best value for your dollar. When you are, however, willing to cast all budgetary concerns aside, you’ll find that it suddenly becomes a whole lot simpler.

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Out With the Old
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Out With the Old

I bet there are a lot of you with an abundance of hideous outfits from days gone by still hanging in your closets. Maybe hideous is not the right word. Maybe laughable is better.

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Parking Lots
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Parking Lots

Do you ever find yourself circling a parking lot hell-bent on locating the nearest open space to the entrance of the building that is your destination?

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House Plants
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

House Plants

I looked around my home some years back and decided that it was missing something. I just couldn’t figure out what. Then it came to me.

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QR Codes
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

QR Codes

Does anyone besides me fully appreciate how phenomenal these Quick Response Codes, aka QR codes, really are? It’s hard to believe when you stop to think about it.

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Salsa Lesson Pt 2 - The Red Sea
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Salsa Lesson Pt 2 - The Red Sea

If you think back to Part 1 of salsa dancing, you’ll recall that I had decided to take up salsa and had just shown up for my first class dressed in salsa attire with my reluctant dance partner in tow.

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Salsa Lesson Pt 1
Sarah Meredith Sarah Meredith

Salsa Lesson Pt 1

Salsa dancing looks fun, doesn’t it? I’ve always thought so, and I always wanted to give it a try.

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